Starting Date: February  2007
Ending Date: December 2007

This project, which is funded by ACDI/VOCA-USAID, aims to improve food security and the livelihood of 61 poor and vulnerable rural families in six villages; in Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates. As part of the project activities, 61 drip irrigation home gardens and greenhouses are to be established and 51 cisterns will be constructed. The beneficiary families will receive training in greenhouse and open home gardens management techniques. Training topics include: standards and types of rainwater harvesting cisterns; home garden establishment requirements, greenhouses standards and management; land preparation; water management and conservation; irrigation systems and soil fertility improvement; suitable crop selection process; cropping rotation and planting calendar for both protected and open field cultivations; crops management; organic farming and methods for healthy agricultural production; farming as a business; and chemical and biological (IPM).  Thus the project strategy of providing agricultural inputs coupled with skills training does not only improve the immediate availability of food, but also achieves stability of food supply well beyond the project implementation duration.