Funded by:      Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD)
Partners:         ACF International Network
Starting Date: March 2008
Ending  Date:  May 2010

This project, funded by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), coordinates and assigns activities and responsibilities aims at enhancing and improving commercialization and exporting capacities to the Israeli and international markets of the target beneficiaries in the Tubas Region. The project targets 266 small and medium vulnerable Palestinian farmers from Tubas Region, who are strengthened through multi -training workshops on production systems, production calendar on locality level, marketing standards and  certification system, fair trade and the added value of Geographical Identified (GI) agro- commodities. Two studies shall be produced – First, a specialized study on existing certification system for exportation and eligible agro-commodities for exportation  and ways for improving the Palestinian agro-marketing system. Secondly, a specialized study on the Palestinian rural and agro-products that have special added value for marketing based on their Geographical Identity produced.