ARIJ staff is professional in the fields of natural resources, land use, agriculture, biodiversity, environment, IT, GIS and remote sensing technology, administration and finance, management and planning. The members of staff have diverse and varying levels of education, ranging from Diplomas, Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s Degrees, Doctorate degrees and Post Doctorate Degrees. And because ARIJ believes that the combination of technical, organizational and personal competency is what ensures successful performance, it continues developing its human resource capacities through offering and/or encouraging staff to apply for scholarships for professional development. ARIJ also supports international and local cooperation and sharing of knowledge, therefore it has developed an internal system to host local and international interns, volunteers and trainees. In addition to its main premise in Bethlehem, a number of ARIJ employees are centered in Tubas offices which were established in order to facilitate the implementation of ARIJ projects in the central and northern parts of the West-Bank.