Bethlehem March 20, 2013:- the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) has issued a report “The fading Israeli – Palestinian Peace”, on the diminishing prospects for achieving and end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Coinciding with the U.S. President Barak Obama’s visit to the region and to the occupied Palestine, the report focusses on the silenced Palestinian narrative of the occupation and the Palestinian’s role as a more than willing partner to in the efforts towards  a just peace and achievement of rights.

The 36 pages report highlights the misconceptions that surround the occupation, the report tackles Israel’s various geopolitical violations of international law creating facts on the ground which militate against the possibility of achieving a just peace. the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) has issued a report “The fading Israeli – Palestinian Peace”, on the diminishing prospects for achieving and end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Coinciding with the U.S. President Barak Obama’s visit to the region and to the occupied Palestine, the report focusses on the silenced Palestinian narrative of the occupation and the Palestinian’s role as a more than willing partner to in the efforts towards a just peace and achievement of rights.

The 36 pages report highlights the misconceptions that surround the occupation, the report tackles Israel’s various geopolitical violations of international law creating facts on the ground which militate against the possibility of achieving a just peace.

The ARIJ report tackles the scarecrows that have been by the repeating Israeli governments concerning the geopolitical violations committed by Israel in occupied Palestine in contradiction to international law’s and international key stakeholders well. The Status-Quo of basic human rights violations and the endangers looming around the Palestinian people well to achieve a state that cops with international human development and civilization.

The ARIJ report brings new perspective in the narrative of the Peace process of the longest running modern ongoing occupation – Until now the history of the conflict has been written largely by the Israeli occupiers. The report illustrates that the Palestinian narrative is by no means merely a collection of stories, or allegations of present day life in Palestine. Rather, the Palestinian narrative is even more dramatic history, based upon scientific studies and analyses done by the research community

“..The countervailing Palestinian narrative reveals that it is the very Israeli occupation of Palestine that is preventing fruitful peace negotiations. The facts on the ground show that far from being a “peace ‘partner”, Israel is actively seeking to annex so much Palestinian land that there can never be a “two state” solution because Palestine would have no contiguous land area…”

The Fading Israeli – Palestinian Peace” report exposes the extent of the urban geo-political violations on the ground, such as the expanding Israeli settlements and the continuous building of the Israeli illegal segregation wall, which in both cases have drawn increasingly vocal international criticism as one of the main obstacles in reviving the peace process.

The report was submitted through Palestinian official channels and it is expected that it will be delivered to president Obama upon his arrival in Palestine.

To read full report kindly click Here