As part of its commitment to effective management; and while believing in the values of transparency and good governance, ARIJ continuously aims to adapt its managerial performance to international requirements of NGO management standards through its commitment to a serious of sound policies and procedures; amongst them are the following:
- Having clear and straightforward the instructions expressed in operational manuals covering the fields of financial management, human resources management, as well as project management.
- Having a sound organizational structure, underlining the duties and responsibilities of departments and personnel.
- Employing a highly developed information system, in order to facilitate for effective and efficient implementation of the operational manuals.
- Employing a separate monitoring and evaluation department responsible for undertaking internal audit responsibilities, providing assurance that operations and processes conform to current ARIJ policies and procedures in addition to donors’ requirements. The M&E unit reports directly to the Board of Directors.
- Applying a sound procurement policy; facilitating for fair competition amongst suppliers and avoiding the conflict of interest.
Segregating the duties of financial operations; starting with appropriate requisition authorization, to a separate procurement department, and then to a separate accounting department who also segregate the duties of cash custody and payments from the duty of recording transaction, through assigning different personnel. - Adopting accredited accounting and auditing procedures including vouchers and verification system.
- Implementing effective controls to community projects, including applying sound beneficiaries’ selection criteria, in addition to ensuring proper and timely project delivery monitored through field visits conducted by both program and administration staff.