International Plastic Bag Free Day

In the Event of International Plastic Bag Free Day  A Position Paper Titled “Tackling Plastic Pollution in Palestine and Globally” Prepared by the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) 3 July 2024 Introduction: Plastic pollution represents a severe environmental threat [...]

2024-07-04T14:59:28+03:00July 3, 2024|2024 Papers, Latest News|

Impact of Occupation and Environmental Challenges on Palestine

On World Environment Day, the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) is pleased to present a position paper entitled: Impact of Occupation and Environmental Challenges on Palestine Introduction The theme for this year's World Environment Day—land restoration, desertification, and drought [...]

2024-06-05T11:20:09+03:00June 5, 2024|2024 Papers, Latest News|
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