A special report on the diminishing prospects for achieving and end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Conceding with the U.S. President Barak Obama’s visit to the region and to the occupied Palestine, the report focusses on the silenced Palestinian narrative of the occupation and the Palestinian’s role as a more than willing partner to in the efforts towards a just peace and achievement of rights.

The 36 pages report highlights the misconceptions that surround the occupation, the report tackles Israel’s various geopolitical violations of international law creating facts on the ground which militate against the possibility of achieving a just peace.

The ARIJ report tackles the erroneousness scarecrows that have been by the collapsing Israeli governments concerning the geopolitical violations committed by Israel in occupied Palestine in contradiction to international law’s and international key stakeholders well. The Status-Quo of basic human rights violations and the endangers looming around the Palestinian people well to achieve a state that cops with international human development and civilization.

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