Contracting party:          Care International
Funded by:          Australian Government – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – DFAT
Starting Date:                   December 2019
Ending Date:                     August 2021

Souqona Phase II builds on the successes on Phase I by ensuring sustainability of the investment in the market systems development (MSD) approach and strengthening social inclusion of the hybrid MSD models in the dairy and vegetable value chains.

The project continues to take an iterative approach which is flexible and responsive to changing markets. Project outcomes were designed to contribute to the overall project goal to increase income, agency, and market opportunity for Palestinian Farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development. Ultimately, Phase II aims to maximize economic benefits for men and women Palestinian farmers in more inclusive market systems. Expected outcomes have been designed to describe the desired impact of Phase II of the project. Being ‘market ready’ (outcome 1) means men and women are now producing quality, quantity and reliable produce. Sustainable and profitable engagement (outcome 2) relates to the selected inclusive value chains and inclusion (outcome 3) focuses on women and youth better benefiting from increased economic opportunities.