Contracting party: Oxfam
Funded By: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Partners: Miftah and Aman
Starting Date: January 2019
Ending Date: December 2020
The project objective is to enhance the responsiveness of Palestinian national and local budgets to the needs of poor and marginalized citizens including women, while supporting autonomy and transparency in revenue generation (long-term outcome).
The expected project result includes but not limited to improved policies within governments and global actors, strengthened CSOs, improved political will and citizens’ voice to be heard.
The projected outputs are as follows:
• MoLG and MoL are supported to institutionalize financial transparency and participation within the ministry.
• Support the development of a participatory and gender-sensitive budget for MoLG and MoL for 2020
• Provide capacity building and support for the targeted (30) municipalities in West Bank based on the Financial Transparency Index (FTI) results.
• Implement one national joint campaign -advocate citizen’s economic and social rights
• Offer community groups/ CBOs/CSOs (#11-30) opportunity to disseminate FTI results and enable citizens to demand more transparency and access to information from (#30) municipalities by implementing small initiatives.