Financial Transparency Index (FTI) measures and promotes budget transparency at municipal level Palestine. An evaluation of the financial transparency of 30 Palestinian Municipalities in 2018 and 24 Municipalities in 2020, across the West Bank took place, using the FTI. The approach draws on the International Budget Partnership’s (IBP) subnational open budget survey (OBS), with minor changes in order to adapt the tools to the context in the OPT. The approach measures municipal transparency created an index ranking performance and used the findings to promote and enhance transparency. The FTI measured the availability and accessibility of financial information to citizens, in addition to evaluating the tools used in providing information and follow-up mechanisms, if any. The FTI is split into four main sections. The first section examines the availability and accessibility of budget documents. The second section examines transparency and participation in the budget preparation phase. The third section examines transparency and participation during execution of the budget, including citizens’ budgets and procurement systems. Lastly, the fourth and final section examines transparency and participation in the review and audit phase.