Meet Mr. Ali, a resilient 51-year-old resident of Al Ma’sarah in Bethlehem Governorate. As the sole provider for his family of four children, he turns to agriculture as the cornerstone of their livelihood.
In the third phase of the project titled “Climate Resilient Agriculture for enhancing resilience, and supporting livelihoods in Palestine”, implemented by ARIJ in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development and funded by the World Food Programme, Mr. Ali was chosen as a beneficiary and was granted an 88 m2 greenhouse. Now, in the fourth phase, his agricultural capabilities have further blossomed with an additional 500m2 home garden—a crucial asset for his farming aspirations.
In the latest season of 2023, his dedication bore fruit, quite literally. From the greenhouse, he harvested an impressive 500 kilograms of tomatoes. Beyond adding flavor to his family’s meals, these tomatoes became a source of economic prosperity. Selling the entire yield for 2,750 NIS significantly boosted his income. With the proceeds, Mr. Ali adeptly managed household expenses, alleviating the financial strain on his family. But he didn’t stop there; he wisely invested in a new 700m2 plot of land, expanding his agricultural pursuits.
Focusing on the home garden, Mr. Ali diversified his crops with beans and squash. This strategic move not only adds variety to his family’s diet but also ensures a year-round source of sustenance and income.
Ali’s success story is a testament to the transformative power of agricultural empowerment. With dedication, support, and the right resources, he has not only enhanced his family’s quality of life but has also become a beacon of resilience and prosperity in his community.
Photo (1): The planted greenhouse with tomatoes
Photo (2): The garden of 500m2 that he planted with squash
Photo (3): The new garden of 700m2 that he planted